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Dying Tree

3 Jun

Then finally you’re in the same stage… and again in the same way. I’m just wondering  how could you enjoy this sweating thing. I my self would be really really bored of it. However, I have no better ideas to choose. Decision could be so significant in this phase but you’ve seen that it won’t be easy to make. You’ll deal with the trunk, branches, leaves, and many other things around your tree. As we’d decided before , it’s always hard to plant but even harder to grow. We’ve known all of these hard things. Then, what we want to know is what you will choose. Those could be planting another tree and making the old one down and dry or you’ll either grow this tree unhealthy or grow this tree with your care.

of course, it won’t be merely on you, but all things around you and of course the tree… Then, once again you have  to consider the sun, ground, water, air, wind, insects and other living things around your tree…  the question then will be, “Could you deal with all those things?”  I have no answer today, you’d better stay with yourself talk with it as you used to do…. it’s such a serious stuff, be careful but be quick as well…

Later, if you find out the answers, we’ll talk about it again…

Would you marry me?

13 May

apa kamu tau apa yang kusuka dari yang tidak kusuka?
apa kamu mendengar apa yang tidak aku katakan?
apa kamu melihat apa yang aku sembunyikan?
apa kamu merasakan apa yang tak pernah kukeluhkan?

jika pertanyaan-pertanyaan itu kau jawab

“Nope, I have no clue…”
berhentilah ada didepanku karena aku bisa sakitimu
karena bisa saja kau terlalu hebat untuk bersamaku
tapi mungkin juga kau terlalu kaku untuk hidupku

Atau “Not now, let’s see…!”
baiklah tetaplah disini dan mari kita berbagi
mungkin esok lusa ato kaulah saparuh hidupku
atau esok lusa kau sudah berlalu dari mukaku

Namun jika kau jawab “Why not?”
kita baiknya bersanding hingga derai nadi berhenti
karena Tuhan mungkin telah rencanakan cerita ini
dan tidak mustahil inilah takdir yang mulai terpahami

Then, Here I am down on my knees,
“Would you marry me?”


12 May

Jika anak dibesarkan dengan celaan, dia belajar memaki

Jika anak dibesarkan dengan permusuhan/kekerasan, dia belajar membenci

Jika anak dibesarkan dengan cemoohan, dia belajar rendah diri

Jika anak dibesarkan dengan hinaan, dia belajar menyesali diri

Jika anak dibesarkan dengan toleransi, dia belajar menahan diri

Jika anak dibesarkan dengan pujian, dia belajar menghargai

Jika anak dibesarkan dengan dorongan, dia belajar percaya diri

Jika anak dibesarkan dengan sebaik-baiknya perlakuan, dia belajar keadilan

Jika anak dibesarkan dengan rasa aman, dia belajar menaruh kepercayaan

Jika anak dibesarkan dengan dukungan, dia belajar menyenangi dirinya

Jika anak dibesarkan dengan kasih sayang dan persahabatan, dia pun belajar menemukan cinta dalam kehidupan

Taken from “CHILDREN LEARN WHAT THEY LIVE” by Dorothy Law Nolte

Children Learn What They Live
By Dorothy Law Nolte, Ph.D.

If children live with criticism, they learn to condemn.
If children live with hostility, they learn to fight.
If children live with fear, they learn to be apprehensive.
If children live with pity, they learn to feel sorry for themselves.
If children live with ridicule, they learn to feel shy.
If children live with jealousy, they learn to feel envy.
If children live with shame, they learn to feel guilty.
If children live with encouragement, they learn confidence.
If children live with tolerance, they learn patience.
If children live with praise, they learn appreciation.
If children live with acceptance, they learn to love.
If children live with approval, they learn to like themselves.
If children live with recognition, they learn it is good to have a goal.
If children live with sharing, they learn generosity.
If children live with honesty, they learn truthfulness.
If children live with fairness, they learn justice.
If children live with kindness and consideration, they learn respect.
If children live with security, they learn to have faith in themselves and in those about them.
If children live with friendliness, they learn the world is a nice place in which to live.

Chairil Anwar (beberapa puisi)

12 May


cemara menderai sampai jauh
terasa hari akan jadi malam
ada beberapa dahan di tingkap merapuh
dipukul angin yang terpendam
Continue reading

“I” to “Me”

17 Apr

The fact, silence has been ignored so far and the wave of destiny has been adjusted
In a time when the moon is painted by the rainbow while the sun goes black and dark
When my fingers asking me what to write on the leaves which turn to dry
My mouth hasn’t been tired to read, learning every word which I’ve carved on my colorful brain

“Shut up…!!” My eyes shout.. “your desire won’t be over..” it continued
My eyes will have to be suffered, on the reddish stare at the sight which fight my destiny
“Allright…” I answer.. “If it is possible, I’d like to feel this pain all in once!”
I would like to condense all pain just like my ignored praying

I prefer bleeding figth..
To begging my destiny goes on the opposite way
“and look at me, I’ve got no weeping, I’m still laughing in my pain which you’ve offered!”

“Damned …!!!”  the only word to draw mind..
Everytime the scratch of my fate hurts me
But you know it won’t knock me down
Never…. Even when I’m full of pus …

And I clear you any way, the pain has been ignored so far
I will always let the wave of destiny adjust
In a time when the moon is painted by the rainbow and the sun getting darker…
I’m going to draw my own colors on thing you call a pain.